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Parking at school

We welcome parents and visitors and always keep the safety of the children as a priority.  In order to ensure the children arrive and leave school safely, could we ask that you follow these guidelines:


  • Only park on the side of the green where the posts are placed in the ground. 
  • Drive at a sensible speed, taking into account the presence of children
  • Do not reverse or turn in the school drive
  • Do not reverse or turn in the drives of neighbouring houses - there is a turning place at the end of the lane if you continue past the school
  • Only staff or visitors to the school can park on the grass outside the front of the school
  • Children should be walked into and out of school by the adult dropping off or picking up; this will reinforce the importance of road safety


The village pond is just next to the school entrance and drive.  Although the water level can be very low in the summer months, it gets very deep in the winter so please supervise your children carefully


Please be very careful walking between your vehicle and the school, the ground is uneven and can be very slippy in wet or icy conditions.  Thank you for your support.
