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Performance and Assessment Information

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The Primary National Curriculum

The national tests for pupils at the end of Year 2 and Year 6 no longer allocate a level as they did in the past. Now tests will tell us on a sliding numeric scale whether each pupil has met the national expected standard, not met it or exceeded it.


At Marsh Baldon there are three main forms of assessment:


  • In-school formative assessment so teachers can evaluate their pupil’s knowledge and understanding on a day to day basis. This is a true reflection of where the children are in their learning and is used to inform teaching.

  • In-school summative assessment which allows us to evaluate how much a pupil has learnt at the end of a teaching period.

  • Nationally standardised summative assessment is used by the Government to judge how well the school is performing.


How will I know how my child is doing?

Throughout the year your child’s teacher will be continually assessing your child by using rich tasks and through thorough marking, or in the Early Years by making observations and notes.  You are welcome to come and look at your child’s books and/ or profiles. 


This formative assessment is important.  Teachers put this evidence into an online tracking system that allows teachers, the Headteacher and governors to see the skills and knowledge each child has acquired and what they still need to learn.   At parents evenings, teachers will be able to share this with you.


National Assessment Points



Baseline test for Reception children taken within first few weeks of school


End of Reception

Children will be assessed against the areas of learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage to see if they have achieved a Good Level of Development (GLD).



End of Year 1

National Curriculum Assessment:

Phonics check

End of Year 2


National Curriculum Assessment:

Optional SATs at the end of Key Stage 1 are made up of

  • 2 reading comprehension tests
  • 2 maths papers
  • There is also be a Teacher Assessment of pupils’ writing, speaking and listening and science.


These tests can be administered at any time during May, and pupils can take as long as they need to complete each test. Teachers usually administer the tests in small groups. Teachers will use their professional judgement as to when a child should continue a test or when they have done as well as they can.


Teachers mark the tests themselves.  The results will form part of the child's annual report and show whether their child has met, not met or exceeded the national standard. This is likely to be on a sliding numerical scale with 100 as the national benchmark. Children above the national standard will receive a score above 100; those below the national standard will receive a score below 100.


End of Year 4


National Curriculum Assessment:

Multiplication Tables Check



End of Year 6

National Curriculum Assessment:

SATs at the end of Key Stage 2 comprise

  • 3 maths tests, including an arithmetic test 
  • 1 reading comprehension test
  • 1 grammar test and 1 spelling test

There will also be a Teacher Assessment of pupils’ writing and science.


The maths, reading and SPaG (spelling, punctuation and grammar) tests are sent off to be externally marked.  The results will form part of the child's annual report and show whether their child has met, not met or exceeded the national standard.


